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Lilies bulbs. Growing Lilies in your garden
There are 30 products.
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Dicentra Pink has heart shape flowers. Very beautiful pink color that blooms in little heart shape. Growing in shade. Imported from Holland.
Lily Santander. Huge flower bloom. 3 bulbs
Lily Corcovado. Huge Yellow color flowers. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019 1 bulbs
Lily Palazzo. Huge Deep Pink color flowers. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 1 bulbs
Lily Heartstrings. This variety is long-blooming fancy asiatic lily, great for cutting, peachy-yellow flower centers with raspberry pink-tipped petals, produces 3-5 flowers per stem. Imported from Holland 2019 1 bulbs
Lily Netty's Pride is extremely striking with its dual colouring of deep purple and white. Netty's Pride grows to 100cm with flowers at 12cm in diameter. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 1 bulbs
Lily Njoyz. Huge Twotone Pink and White color flowers. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019 1 bulbs
Lily Pink Giant has unique flower shape. Their Soft Pink flowers look like Turk Caps. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2020. 1 bulbs
Lily Golden Splendor has deep golden flower color. Their trumpet flowers shape blooming with fragrance. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 3 bulbs
Lily Regale has beautiful white flower with yellow in center. Their trumpet flowers shape blooming with fragrance. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 3 bulbs
Lily Red Morning has two color tone in the same flower. Orange color on the edge with deep red in center. Fragrant flowers. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 3 bulbs
Lily Cogoleto has soft purple color with burgundy dotty spots over the petals. Huge flower size with fragrant flowers. Multiple flowers per bulb. Imported from Holland 2019. 3 bulbs